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Testosterone Boosters for Men
Testosterone Boosters for Men
Testosterone Boosters For Men Brandon FL

Testosterone Boosters For Men

Brandon Testosterone Boosters For Men
Testosterone Boosters For Men in and near Brandon Florida

Testosterone Boosters For Men

How Do You Know if You Need a Testosterone Booster?

First of all, if you are reading this, you must be concerned that something isn’t right. That should be your first indicator that you should at least discuss your concerns with a specialist and have your levels checked. Are you old enough for Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)? Well, TRT is not just for old men anymore. We often we see men in their twenties and thirties who come to us with similar testosterone levels as a 60-year-old man. So age is not the main determining factor. Ask yourself, do you still wake up every morning with an erection? If not, that could actually be your signal right there to go get checked. Are you dealing with fatigue, muscle loss, fat gain, low libido, erectile dysfunction, depression, muscle weakness or irritability? If you are dealing with any of these symptoms, you may have low testosterone (Low T). The best way to get started is contact our specialist and request a comprehensive blood test taken to evaluate your hormone levels.  

What if My Doctor Already Said My Testosterone Level is Normal?

The question is, what is a normal testosterone level? There hasn’t been much standardization regarding this question yet. Some doctors will tell you, if your total testosterone is inside the “normal” range determined by the lab company (i.e. 348 – 1197 ng/dl), that you are considered normal. This range doesn’t take into account age, health or fitness level. What if your total testosterone is 350 ng/dl? Is that really any different than the guy who is at 345 ng/dl? No! Now a 350 ng/dl total testosterone may be ok for an 80-year-old man, but what if you are thirty or even fifty years old? Do you want to feel the same as an 80-year-old man? Some guys may even have adequate total testosterone, but still suffer from multiple symptoms because total testosterone only tells us a fraction of what we need to know. Only testing for your total testosterone is like bringing your broken car to the auto repair shop; the mechanic checks your tire pressure and says, “everything looks normal!” Brandon Testosterone will take a comprehensive panel of the needed blood tests and meet with you face to face to properly assess your entire health. Once we have determined if you qualify for treatment, we will design a treatment protocol that targets the upper normal ranges for your free & total testosterone, known as the optimal testosterone range.  

What is the Best Testosterone Booster? 

There is no one size fits all testosterone booster. Everyone’s body is different and the solution to increase your testosterone levels to the optimal range can vary. Once we get your blood work back, we will advise you on where your deficiencies are and what the best strategy will be. The most trusted and proven application method for testosterone is injection therapy. It is very easy to adjust the dosage and it has the least amount of health risks. Best of all, it is guaranteed to raise your testosterone levels—unlike most other testosterone boosters that have a partial failure rate. 

How Much Do Testosterone Boosters Cost?

The cost can vary depending on what the physician determines is the best treatment plan for you. Testosterone therapy starts at $99 per month.

Are Testosterone Boosters Safe?

When Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is done properly, it has consistently been shown to be safe. Research shows that men on TRT do NOT have a higher risk for prostate cancer. However, if you currently have prostate cancer, TRT is not recommended. On the positive side, there is very compelling scientific research that shows optimal testosterone levels protect the body against heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

Testosterone Boosters For Men Brandon FL
Testosterone Boosters For Men
Brandon Testosterone Boosters For Men
Testosterone for Men





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